Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hi Everyone! Today I’m really crossed! Last week a new and noisy neighbor moved in to the apartment next to mine. He is very cute but he is getting on my nerves with his stereo. Yesterday I asked him if he would mind turning the stereo down. And guess what? He was very rude and said that he would mind! I’m fulfilled with resentment and frustration. I don’t know what to do to solve this issue. What would you do if you were in my shoes?


  1. Hi Lily, I'm sorry about your new neighbor. But I will give a tip: if you can't resolve the problem with a friendly conversation, find a lawyer. The proffessional can solve the case and make retorn your tranquility.

    Take a look in the legislation and in the Tribunal's interpretation to similar cases:

    - Art. 42 of Decreto-Lei nº 3.688/1941 (http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil/Decreto-Lei/Del3688.htm)

    - "Os latidos atingiram níveis de pressão sonora superiores ao permitido em lei, devendo o cachorro ser retirado das dependências da residência do agravante. Decisão mantida. Recurso improvido". Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais, processo número: 2.0000.00.488929-4/000

  2. I wish you enjoyed this tip :)

    Fernando H. Pansera.
